The thriving Newbury Twin Town Association has announced plans for a local ‘Youth for Europe’ event this summer. The event will host about forty young people from the different Twin Towns across Europe, from 11th to 18th August 2022. Plans are in hand to organise daily outings and activities, based at Thirtover, Cold Ash. The group is also looking for local 18–27 year-olds to take part.
The event was announced at the Twin Town’s Annual General Meeting held last Saturday, February 5th, at Newbury Town Hall. The Mayor, Councillor Billy Drummond was in attendance, and Gillian Durrant, herself a former Mayor, was re-elected as Chair of the group.
Newbury Twin Town Association has links with towns in Belgium, France, Italy, Poland, Germany, Spain, and Hungary, with trips to Eeklo (Belgium), Bagnols (France), Feltre (Italy), and Zamosc (Poland) hoped for later this year. On March 30th, Newbury will also welcome Eeklo students for a day in Newbury.
New members to this friendly group are always welcome. To find out more, email Chair Gillian Durrant at
Main picture: Newbury Twin Town members on a recent tour of Newbury