Wash Common has burst into life for its first-ever Colour March. Bunting, balloons, butterflies, and more have appeared at houses and gardens around the area. There’s even a few garden gnomes.
Organiser Bethany Crocker Chun, who featured on Kennet Radio Saturday Chatterday last weekend, has set up the event. She says:
‘Residents of Wash Common are joining together to bring some light to these grey and difficult times. Houses and gardens display bursts of colour for those that take their daily walk in the area. From bunting to window decorations, we hope to brighten someone’s day.’
So Kennet Radio took a walk around Wash Common. We saw bunting and balloons waving in the breeze, window paintings, ceramic butterflies and whirling foil windmills. Many families are among those taking part, using home schooling to create artistic projects for the event, so local children have been a big part of the success.
One local couple, Reg and Jean Stoppard, said:
‘It’s given us a lift to see all the colours and decorations shining in the sun. it’s like seeing the Christmas lights!’
Displays of different sorts can be seen in the following roads: Falkland Garth, Battle Road, Charles Street, Battery End, Stuart Road, Hanover Mead, Lewis Walk, Villiers Way, Villiers Walk, Meldrum Close, Balfour Crescent, Bedford Close, Clare Walk, Meyrick Drive, Andover Road and the Woodpecker Pub.
For more information and to upload your pictures of the event, visit the Wash Common Colour March Facebook Event Page at: https://www.facebook.com/events/794681511141414
The Colour March continues until 8.00 pm on February 21st.